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​Flowers and sofas blooming in the city

Writer's picturetktery

The purple oxalis that continues to propagate with its roots spread underground

In the morning walk with my terrier, I spotted a purple oxalis on the side of the road.

pale purple petals with white anther flowers and heart-shaped leaf color
purple oxalis

It looks like the flowers have just opened in the morning sun, and the pale purple petals with white anther flowers and heart-shaped leaf color give a refreshing impression.

Oxalis is a species that is spread all over the world.

Among them, the purple squirrel is native to South America, and it was introduced to Japan for viewing purposes at the end of the Edo period (around 1800). and then it was naturalized and spread to Japan.

shojuso," which means sour grass
shojuso," which means sour grass

One of the ancient species in Japan has a Japanese name called "shojuso," which means sour grass.

The flowers were used as a design of family crests and the leaves were used for mirror polishing. It may be a venerable plant.

It seems to have a strong reproductive capacity to stretch rhizomes and expand habitat.

In Spain,

it is called hallelujah, and the language of flowers is joy.

It may represent the joy of making their child and offspring expand their generation.

A woman in pajamas with her shopping bag lowered passed by the side where we watched the purple oxalis.

Walking in pajamas or shopping in the morning is hard to think of as my habit.

However, it is also hard to explain why it could not be better because she wore her clothes.

In this area, too, we can see the difference between Japan's Kejime concept and China's pragmatic differentiation.

In Japan, the entrance is placed as a boundary to distinguish the lifestyle inside and outside the house.

In China, there is no concept of a boundary door, and it is the same extension inside and outside the house. The entrance to the house is regarded as a door to the safety boundary by denying other entrances.

Japan has a door at the house's entrance that can be easily broken but creates a space to take off footwear that severs the connection with the outside, and China has a sturdy double door that refuses to enter from the outside. There seems to be a root for a big misunderstanding here.

Nowadays, there are more white cars on the streets, and China is definitely starting to change.

In ancient times, it seems that the white bones of warning were hung on the village gate, white seemed to be an image of white bones, and it was not very liked.

Instead, red is preferred and used for coats to pants.

The purple oxalis that continues to propagate with its roots spread underground may also produce various more beautiful flowers. Such a change may be happening somewhere.

However, it is moving slowly, and it will take another 3-4 generations


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